Friday, April 9, 2010

New Look Coming Soon

I'm in the process of giving a makeover and it will soon be moved to a new hosting server (not free, but totally affordable even for an archivist) so I can add "Web Tools For Archivists" tutorials that Google Sites (free) makes a bit clunky to create. You get what you pay for. This blog, which is currently separate from my site, will also be integrated into the main site. I'm also looking to add feeds onto my homepage--my blog, what blogs I like to read, etc.

What does this mean?

The URL for this blog will be changing, though the hosting service preserves old URLs, so those should (in theory) still work. and social a/v archivist should still be indexed by search engines, and should still appear in their normal ranking. Google me. You'll see. Well, not yet.

I've already created an entire new section so I can add web tutorials for archivists, and might even integrate video. We'll see.

I will be blogging about these changes for the benefit of archivists or other people who'd like to do something similar.

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