Friday, January 22, 2010

Audio Project Process

Both of my practicum students start next week--one on Monday, one on Friday. But other than teaching them about archives, I think my week will be back to normal--minimal photo requests and focusing on the School of Music audio project.

The "database" is ready. I have arranged for the transferral of the last eight boxes of reels to the Archives for Thursday, and I also have the a music technician who works at the Music Library coming over to help me set up the reel player, and examine my equipment on Thursday. On Monday or Tuesday I am going to start writing the in-house procedures manual for the standards I have chosen and the steps I have decided to take in the preservation/digitization process. I have yet to order re-housing supplies, but the discs have been re-housed, and some formats (like the cassettes) shouldn't need re-housed, so I will have my students start with those.

The team of people who worked on the Sound Directions project and wrote the manual did a great job. This is going to be a great test of how one person can emulate and adapt that process for a small institution (but not a small project).

I am documenting everything. Someone should be able to learn from my insanity.

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