Sunday, December 20, 2009

Website in the Works

On Friday I almost completed the audio visual section of the Archive's website. The only thing I have yet to complete is the collection listing for the manuscript collections or series. I have completed the first half of the alphabet. When I return in January, I will finish and be able to submit all of the changes to the website administrators. I expect there will be some changes. My goal is to have the eight web pages up by February.

My next step is to get some kind of blog capability so I can do a "Featured Collection" page, and either list the most recently processed collection, or list collections that have had recent work performed (such as the Department of Athletic films). Currently, we do have a news section on the main Archives website, though the entries are only text, with no option for imbedded images or streaming video ( Not that these features are revolutionary in the Archives website world, but these features, because it would be able to keep us competing with the most web-savvy academic archives:
(like this but more interactive).

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