Thursday, February 4, 2010

Audio Progress

I made some progress (with the HUGE help of the Music Library Tech) today. He was able to re-wire the audio visual area for me, and hook up the reel to reel player again (it has not been hooked up since I received my new Mac). I can't wait to mess around with iLogic Express and the player next week.

The next step is getting an analog to digital converter and mixing board so I can have multiple media plugged in at once (the tech also recommended some of those for me)!

I was also able to finish the first draft of the audio preservation guidelines I'm writing and get some feedback on some edits.

I also heard back from the Library website manager and I have a test site for my audio visual webpage! We made some edits today so it should hopefully be online next week!

And in addition to all of this, I had some photo requests!

I'm just so glad that I made so much progress today because it's a short week--no work tomorrow on account of DC Snowpocolypse (part deux)!

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