Monday, February 1, 2010

ARSC, and My Reason For Going To ARSC

It's official! I'm going to ARSC! I just booked my hotel, will be booking my flight soon (go Southwest!), and have nearly finalized my travel grant application (just some last-minute reviewing for the perfectionist in me that always finds one more thing to change).

In between working with my student assistant and my practicum student, I was also able to work on (and pretty much finish) one more section of the Archive's new audio policy. I briefly discussed this policy with my boss and co-workers, and once I have this done (maybe by the end of the week?), I'm also going to approach the Library Director and the Library IT for memory recommendations, and maybe to develop a hard drive memory acquisitions plan. I've recently used a huge amount of memory (as stated in a previous post) transferring digital photos from one campus office, and if we go forward with this audio digitization plan, we need to make sure I don't come that close to maxing out memory.

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