Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I Hate To Show My Age But...

I hate to show my age, but writing a long policy determining the procedures and standards for in-house audio digitization and digital preservation pretty much sucks.

I had a brain-crash around 3:30 today. It's kind of like an HD crash, but for you.

Okay, I'm done.

In all seriousness, though, this is what IASA and the team who wrote Sound Directions have done, and I'm trying to par down both of those essential resources into terms and procedures that my assistant or another archivist could understand. I'm only using those two resources instead of the entire list because, well, all of that list overwhelms me. I wrote something similar for a grad school practicum (a preservation and cataloging manual for a small cultural society), that ended up being about 40 pages (single-spaced), plus appendices.

At this point, I'm ready to adopt everything without modification and call it a day. But I know I can't. I don't have a team of 25. Does anyone want to help?

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