Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Continuing Education-Lyrasis

Librarians and Archivists should continue learning after graduation through classes, workshops, and conferences. Lyrasis is an organization that specializes in educational classes in new trends or technologies, management, or what I like to call "things you probably should learn a little more about but didn't learn in school." Some classes are at actual buildings, but many are what they call "Live (Online)," live classes taught via a special Internet chatroom, where you can interact with the professor and other attendees. I have taken one live online class and have enjoyed the format very much. Chatroom capabilities have come a long way! (Lyrasis also offers Live (On Demand) classes, but I have not attended one, yet.)

Lyrasis is offering a class called "The Preservation of Recorded Sound Media, Digital and Analog" on February 5 from 10am-12pm. It will discuss formats, preservation concerns, and digitization options. I am very interested in the digitization options, and look forward to attending!

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